Wednesday, August 10, 2016

It's Important

I had one of those bedtime conversations last night with my eight year old that left me wondering who is actually raising who.  It went something like this:

Me: Ellie, I am sorry I was a little grumpy today. It had nothing to do with your sister and you, it was just all me.

Ellie: It’s ok mommy. But what was wrong?

Me: Well, I think I was just sad that summer was ending and I have to go back to work tomorrow. Since you don’t go back for another two weeks, I feel like I am missing your last two weeks of summer. So I don’t want to go back to work.

Ellie: But I thought you loved your job?

Me: I do love my job. But I love you and your sister more.

Ellie was quiet for a few minutes.

Ellie: Mommy? What is the best thing about your job?

It was my turn to be quiet for a few minutes.

Me: The best part of my job is that I make a difference.  I make sure that students and teachers have good books to read during the school year.  I get to help kids and teachers.  And I get to do it for an entire district, which means I help a lot of kids that don’t have access to books.

Ellie: Why don’t they have books?

Me: Well, sweetie, some families can’t afford to buy books.  And some mommies and daddies can’t take their kids to the library.  They have to work, or they don’t have cars, or they don’t feel comfortable going to libraries. There can be a lot of reasons.  

Ellie: That’s sad mommy.

Me: It is.  But that’s what makes my job so special. I get to help make the libraries really awesome for the kids. They get great books and kids learn that libraries have a lot for them. It is pretty important that kids feel good about libraries.

Ellie was once again quiet for a few minutes.

Ellie: Mommy, I know you are sad, but you have to go back to work tomorrow. It’s important.

And just like that, as tears were running down my face, my 8 year old reminded me why I come to work every day.

I came to work today. It is important.

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