
Read and Discuss: Floating

Glimmerglass is our online audiobook.  Keep in mind that the audiobook can only be checked out by 1 Book Clubber at a time.  So listen to it when you can, and return it when you are finished.  Check back frequently to see if anyone else has made a comment, and respond to my questions or other's comments.

Just in case you lost your handout, here are the directions for the audiobook again:
Computer Directions:
2.     Click on FOLLETTSHELF
3.     You will be taken to a page with all of our Audiobooks (speaker in bottom left corner of book) and eBooks (green E in bottom left corner of book).
4.     When you click on the book, you will need to enter your login information: Username: school six digit ID # Password: Vikings

App Directions:
1.     From Google Play or iTunes download the free app:
Follett Brytewave K-12 app
2.     Once you download the app you will need this information to reach PHS’s collection:
Username: your six digit school ID number
Password: vikings (only need to add this once)
(check the box that says keep me signed in
3.     Find a the title you want,
4.     click on Checkout button
5.     Go to the My eReader button at the top of your screen to see the books you have checked out -  might need to click on the “refresh” button (arrows in a circle at the top)
6.     Now you need to download the book to your device.
a.     Be connected to the internet, (don’t need connected once you download)

b.     Be sure you have enough free space on your device for it to download. You may need to free up some space by deleting pictures, turning off running apps you don’t use often, etc..


  1. I didn't know if I was going to like this audio version of the book but I now like audiobooks it was pretty good to listen to while I was walking or on the long bus ride to Texas. I really liked this book it had the fantasy that I loved to read and great plots. It was my kind of book

  2. This was a good book. For me this is one of my first audio-books. The description of the book was just perfect to. I listened to this book while I was at the gym and it was still sounding great so I enjoyed it.
